Amps And Cabs And Watts, Oh My!

Amps And Cabs And Watts, Oh My!

This hasn’t got anything to do with guitar or bass setups. But I see so much confusion out there on the inter webs that I thought I would share what I know* on the subject.  “I read somewhere that you should not use a bass amp head with fewer watts than your...
My Strings Are Flat Against The Fretboard!

My Strings Are Flat Against The Fretboard!

I saw someone post this in an online forum earlier. Mostly they were getting decent advice: needs a setup, might need a truss rod adjustment, etc. Someone even thought to mention that this could be the result of improperly installed strings (not on the saddle)....
About That EHB…

About That EHB…

So I have had the Ibanez EHB1505MS for a while now and I have found time to play it. I even played it at a gig a couple of weeks ago. Here’s my rundown. On the positive side It’s beautiful. I opted for the “ocean inlet” green finish and I love...
About That EHB…

Ibanez EHB1505MS…in California

Having now moved to the same town in southern California as my pre-pandemic bandmates did about three years earlier, I apparently have my old gig back. I arrived back in October, but I have been so swamped with couch-surfing, finding a place, and the holidays that I...
MusicNomad FTW

MusicNomad FTW

So I’m clicking around on Reddit and there’s someone asking about how to do a setup on a new bass he just ordered. There’s only a few responses so far. One of them suggests that YouTube, and in particular this guy, might be of help. You can probably...